What you fail to mention or realize is that the left addresses the issues of violence in poor communities of color in ways that the right continues to fight. The violence among the black community and other poor communities of color, is largely due to 100+ years of oppression and systemic racism that has caused hardships in those communities. Those hardships lead to violence. In every country where there’s poverty and destitution, you will see this.
The violence that Jessica is addressing in this article is the violence that comes from men of privilege who use Religion and the second amendment has carte blanche excuses to kill those with whom they believe need to be purged from this earth. It’s an issue of addressing bottom up versus top down issues.
If Jessica were to write an article about crime in the black community, it would be an article that would speak to the reasons why there is crime in the black community. It would be an article that would speak to the origins of the poverty in those communities. And those origins, whether you like it or not, are steeped in systemic racism and oppression from the privileged. All of those are issues that the left is a dressing in any number of ways. (Including those who live in those communities who are working with, ironically sometimes church organizations of color, to curb that violence.)
But the truth is, at the end of the day, it wouldn’t matter whether she ever wrote about violence in the black community. The violence she is writing about is real. For whatever reason, that is the topic she chooses to address. Just like a science-fiction writer writes science fiction, a romance novelist writes about romance, or a mystery writer writes about mystery, all writers can choose a topic that they want to focus on. Hers happens to be privileged white men, who also happen to be Christian, who like to kill large groups of people, and the lack of the government to pass laws to make it that much more difficult for them.
As another commenter has already addressed, I find it interesting that your only purpose for responding is to call Jessica unhinged, yet ignore the tragedy she’s a dressing.